Room 16

Room 16

Thursday 27 February 2014

Netball coaching

 We have been learning netball skills this week with Lynette from Fun Ferns

 We have been learning to catch, bounce and throw balls, as well as playing lots of different fun games.

We learnt to make our hands in a 'W' to catch and pass the ball.

We played a fun game of netball with 4 players on each team and a person and hoop for each goal.

We have learnt so much this week.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

The School Picnic- Waikanae Pools

The barrel

 Room 16 got one of the barrels from the vegie garden to grow things in.

First the barrel had to be filled with potting mix.

Then we dug holes.

Next we planted the plants.

Finally we watered the plants.

  We are watering our plants every day. They sure are growing.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Who is the tallest in Room 16?
At the end of the year we'll remeasure ourselves. I wonder if there will be a difference?