Room 16

Room 16

100 Day

Every day in Room 16 we put a 10 cent coin in our 100 day jar. After every 10 days we do something special.

170 Day
On Friday the whole junior school made paper planes, 170 paper planes!
We all lined up along the field, aimed and 170 planes went soaring through the air.
Then we experimented with our planes to see what they could do.

 Ready, aim, fly!

160 Day
What do you do with 160 crepe paper ribbons?
 As part of our flying inquiry, we were wondering why plastic bags fly.We made plastic bag kites to see how they flew. We needed tails for our kites. There were 20 of us at school, so 160 shared between 20 gave us 8 paper tails each.
We had great fun flying our kites.
150 Day
  We read the book about Rainbow Fish, and decided to make our own Rainbow fish but put 150 scales on our fish.

We drew our coloured our rainbow fish, and then counted 150 scales to stick on.
 It took a bit of glueing, and some of us couldn't fit 150 scales on our fish!
Don't our rainbow fish look amazing!

140 Day
We got creative!
In groups we collected 140 things, then we had to make them into a picture.

 Here are some of them.

 Maka, Daniel and Theo turned their 140 things into this...
A dragon saving the teddies from a volcano.

With their collection Casey, Rose and Zoey made....

a playground.

Jessica, Sam and Sofia made a zoo with their 140 collection .
Can you see the big lion?

Marco, Jacob and Zac worked together to make a playground.

Marli, Alessandro, and Nevaeha created a rocket shooting up to space.

We made all of the photos into our special 140 Day book. Come in and read it and to see the rest of our ceations.

130 Day
 This is what 130 jelly beans looks like-
 We used the jelly beans to decorate our gingerbread animals that we made.
When we fair shared we got 6 each, 21 X 6= 126, so Mrs Bloomfield got 4 jelly beans on hers.

120 Day was PYJAMA DAY.
All of the juniors brought their special toys to school. We wanted to see if we could count 120 special toys.

And we did, there was over 120, there was 140. That's a lot of special toys.

110 Day
We got Magnetics!

We counted them out  in to 10s to check we had 110.

 Then we counted out 110 with a group of friends using all the maths equipment.

 When we had made a 110 collection we got to be creative with the Magnetics.

 100 Day!!!!!!

 What a special day we had.
Look at this amazing cake Sofia brought in.

We put in 100 candles, lit them and then...

 We made 100 day collections. Can you work out what we collected?

 100 day was fabulous.
90 Day

We got balloons, a big bag of ballooons!
 We checked there were 90...  10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10=90

And then we started to blow them up. Some of us had never blown up balloons before, but we all gave it ago.

We had great fun trying to get all 90 balloons in the air.
 This is what 90 balloons look like.
 Before we went home we played a game where we each had one tied around our ankle, and then we had to pop each others balloons by stamping on them. It was lots of fun.
 We each took 3 balloons home each. There are a few left, what shall we do with our last balloons?

80 Day
We went dotty for 80 day!
 We skip counted in 5s up to 80. We needed 16 groups of 5.
Then we stuck them all over Nevaeha, our star of the day.

Doesn't she look cool!

We collected all our stickers and stuck them on a piece of paper.
What can we turn this into?
70 Day
We had 9 toy dinosaurs in Room 16. That wasn't enough we needed 70.
Mrs Bloomfield had 60  toy dinosaurs in a basket. 9+60=69  but we needed one more.
We got one more out of the treasure chest and then we had 70.
We decided to make a dinosaur land. We put material over some boxes on the making table. We counted out 70 shapes, 70 counters, 70 blocks, 70 popsicle sticks, 70 match sticks and 70 rods to decorate dinosaur land.

We placed the 70 dinosaurs,

and then we played!

60 Day
This week our letter of the week is Q, Q for queen. We decided to make crowns so we could be Queens and Kings but we weren't just making ordinary crowns, we made 60 day crowns which we decorated with 60 things.

 First we counted out 60 things to decorate our crowns.

We counted out 10 of six different things, pom-poms, stickers, letters, triangles, sticks and  squares.

Once we had counted out our 60 things, we glued them on our crowns.

 Don't we make fabulous Kings and Queens in our 60 day crowns!

50 Day
Today we got a letter from Easter Bunny!!!
We worked out they must be in the library, so we went looking.

 We put them in a box,

and counted them into 10s to check there we had found them all.

 There were 16 of us at school today.
When we fair shared the 50 eggs and got 3 each with 2 spare.


Then we ate them!

40 Day
We got 40 toy cars for 40 day.


We then had to count out a 40 collection with a buddy.

 Now we can play with the cars!

30 Day
For 30 day we got 30 pieces of fruit,
 1 pineapple, 2 apples, 1 pear,
2 bananas, 2 oranges, and 22 grapes.


We cut them into pieces and made a big fruit salad.

Our fruit salad was delicious!

20 Day
 This week is G for garden, we love finding little creatures in the garden so, for 20 day we got 20 big toy insects.

There were 2 butterflies, 2 ants,
2 flies, 2 praying mantis, 2 grasshoppers, and  10 different beetles

We decided to make a garden for our insects to play in.

We counted out 20 of all sorts of things to make the garden. We counted 20 leaves, 20 sticks, 20 blocks, 20 counters, and made 20 big flowers.

This is what our garden looks like.
 Then we added our insects.

10 Day
On Monday the 17th of February it was 10 day, there were 10 coins in our jar and it was time to do something special.

First we painted each others hands to make two handprints. Each hand has 5 fingers, 5+5 makes 10.

We cut out all our hands and attached 2 hands to an oval shape.

We joined them all together to make Sparkle the caterpillar.

Sparkle has 190 legs!!!


  1. Wow I Like It Rm 16 By Ronika

  2. A Super Wow! what an amazing journey, Room 16 you must be proud of yourself and your teacher for such a great effort! :0) Peter

  3. Rm 16 Is Awosome as Rm 5

  4. That's a lot of leg's for a caterpillar (190) Room 16 from Hannah in Room 6
