Room 16

Room 16

Thursday 20 March 2014

Our Mihi

We have been painting all the parts to our mihi, us, our whanau, our mountain and our river. Yesterday we put them all together and created our visual mihi.
  Today we presented our visual mihi at Hui.

 Our buddies from Room 1 helped us share what we have been doing.

4 of us got to say our mihi at Hui with a bit of big buddy support.

We loved sharing our visual mihi at Hui!
 Here are all our mihi...

Monday 17 March 2014

The gum emperor caterpillars update

Today when we arrived at school we noticed a big change in our caterpillars.
One had built a caccoon.

The other one had changed colour and got smaller.

It crawled around the gum leaves all morning...

And in the afternoon started spinning its caccoon.

Now we wait till they hatch out.
The only problem is they can stay inside their caccoon until it is the right conditions to hatch. They can stay inside for up to 5 years!

Does anyone know what the right conditions to hatch are?

Friday 14 March 2014


Today our monarch butterflies hatched from their chrysalis!

We carefully took them outside

It has amazing watching them grow and transform.

We also have 2 other caterpillars in Room 16, Doris and Boris.

They are gum emperor caterpillars and they are huge!

Monday 10 March 2014

Hockey Festival Day

For the last 4 weeks we have been learning to play hockey through the Small Sticks programme. Dane has been our amazing coach. Today was Hockey Festival Day!

We played in our whanau teams and got to use all the skills we have been learning.

Harry and Maddie joined Dane to referee the games
 The winning teams will be announced at Hui this week!
After our games an All Stars junior team was selected and they got to play Dane, Harry and Maddie

 The Junior All Stars did us proud. What a great day we had!