Room 16

Room 16

Sunday 22 June 2014

Can we make a difference?

Our inquiry this term has been focusing on animals. Can we make a difference? Can we do anything to stop animals becoming endangered and extinct? We decided YES, yes we can. In Room 16 we decided to make a bird restaurant to feed all the birds during the winter.
 Niko from Room 14 read us a book showing us how to make a fruit feeder for birds. We made one and got fruit scraps from our compost bin. Then we hung it in the tree by Room 16.
 Next we made seed feeders. We mixed peanut butter and fat. Put pinecones in the mix and then covered them in seeds, then hung them in the tree.

We made a sign so the birds knew where to come.
 We stuck out sign on a pole and put it by our tree. Now we just need the birds to come!
We want to make a nectar feeder too. Any ideas how to make one?

Friday 20 June 2014

Cupcake Day!

We love cupcake day.
Thanks everyone for all the yummy cupcakes you made.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Northern Zone Junior Cross-country

Today this great group of runners from Room 16 went off to Amesbury School to represent Johnsonville School at the cross-country.
We are so proud of you all. They even came back with a few ribbons!

Our 4 legged visitors

 On Monday Jacob and his Mum brought in their guinea pigs, Madonna and Beyonce.

We all had a pat, gave them carrot and broccoli to nibble , and then they went back in their box to go home.

Thanks Jacob for bringing them in.
 Yesterday Jessica's dad found a skink in the garden and brought it in to show us.
 We think it was a brown skink. It had sticky feet!

After we had a good look we put it in one of the bushes outside Room 16.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Vegie soup day

This week it was v week so we went looking in the vegetable garden for some vegies to make some soup.

Look at all the vegies we found!

We washed and cut them, put them in a pot and made yummy soup.

We found seeds inside the pumpkin. We decided to keep the seeds to grow pumpkins next summer.

We got all of these seeds out of one pumpkin.

We counted all the seeds into groups of 10.
Guess how many seeds we got?
                                                                             111 pumpkin seeds.

Just before we went home we ate our soup.
We all tried our vegie soup.
Some of us loved it!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

iPad writing

   This week we have been learning to take photos and write stories using the iPads. Here are a few samples.